How Can A Husband And Wife Begin To Pray Together?

Ezekiel Benson
4 min readAug 16, 2022


Praying Couple

The first place to start, is to discuss the importance of praying together with your spouse. Make your spouse understand the benefits of praying together as a couple. Some of the benefits are as follows:

  1. It creates a very powerful spiritual bond between the two of you
  2. It provides a stronger prayer cover for you as an individual and as a couple, than when you are praying alone. By prayer cover, you are better shielded from evil because of the power and force of unity behind your prayers.
  3. It increases your prayer power.

The Word of God declares in Joshua 23:10:

“One man of you shall chase a thousand; for Yahweh your God, he it is who fights for you, as he spoke to you. “

If one man shall chase a thousand, imagine what would happen if two combine forces in prayer.


In this case, your ability to get results faster when you pray in agreement as a couple than when you are praying alone.

Jesus said in Matthew 18:19

“Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.”

The above scripture gives a sure guaranty that whatever you agree upon as a couple and are able to express in prayer, is guranteed to attract the SURE ATTENTION OF GOD. This results in quicker answers and solid resolution of issues.

As a testimony, whatever it is I agree upon in prayer with my wife, always gets settled and answered faster than when I pray for things alone. When I discovered this trend, I embraced praying together with my wife and engaging in prayer of agreements. I have seen and experienced quick helps, divine interventions, and sure blessings this way. This has tremendously enhanced our union because we see ourselves as a spiritual formidable team together.

Couples Praying in Agreement

So, how can a husdand and wife begin to pray together?

Once you are on the same page as per the reason you need to start praying together as husband and wife, you should:

  1. Agree on the ideal time to come together to pray. I recommend very early in the morning (between 5am-6am). You can decide to spend quality 30mins, 45mins or even an hour together in prayer.
  2. You should both commit to the time you have agreed to come together for prayer.
  3. Each should have a bible, a pen and a note pad.
  4. Start with praise and worship. You should assign a duration for this. This depends on the time you have agreed to spend in prayer together as couple. If you are praying for 30min, I recommend you assign 5–10mins to praise and worship God together.
  5. Assign a time as well to read some scriptural verses. This will help boost your faith to receive and create a conducive tone for prayer. I recommend reading Matthew 7:7–9, Mark 11:20–24; Matthew 18:18–19, John 15:16, John 16:23
  6. Start praying in agreement about issues at hand in your life, family, career, home, children, etc.
  7. Ask your spouse if he or she has a prayer need. Let the need be expressed and join voices in prayer to make your request known unto God.
  8. Spend about a minute in silence, to hear from the Spirit of God. There could be an instruction, a direction, a word of wisdom, or consolation from the Spirit of God to you. Take another minute to write such in your notepad.
  9. Share what the Spirit of God is telling you with your spouse (if any), and pray about it together (if need be). This way, you are developing yourselves to hear the voice of the Spirit and be led by Him. Also, other Gifts of the Spirit, would begin to manifest as you practice listening to the Holy Spirit.
  10. End your prayers with thanksgiving and praise, with a heart of expectancy — knowing deep within your spirit that God has answered.


  • It is recommended that you take turns in leading this couples prayer of agreements and devotion.
  • Have a day in the week to pray and fast for a particular need or needs in your lives. It could be anyday in the week. This is a game changer for couples.

Check out How To Develop And Maintain A Strong Prayer Life

I hope this helps you and your partner.



Ezekiel Benson

Pastor, Author, MD/CEO sixthSENSE Logic Ltd, Marketer, Software Engineer and Lover of Fun