How To Ask Anything From God Including Financial Blessings

Ezekiel Benson
5 min readAug 27, 2022


One of the greatest desires of man is to be able to change negative or contrary circumstances into good and positive ones. The poor want to be rich; the sick want to be healthy; the unemployed want to have a well-paying job or business; those with terminal illnesses who have been given up to die want to miraculously recover and live; those with trouble in their marriage want restoration, peace and love to reign; the man who just lost his job wants to get a better one immediately; the couple yet to have the blessing of the fruit of the womb want God’s divine intervention; a man living on the streets with no roof over his head wants the blessing of accommodation; the man with the law suit wants to be discharged and acquitted. The list goes on. There is no person on earth who does not want to change a particular, or several situations and circumstances in his life.

How To Connect To The Source Of All Things

There is nothing in the world that does not have a source. Good and evil have a source. Blessing and curse have a source. Abundance and lack have a source.

Knowing how to connect to the RIGHT SOURCE is the key to getting the blessings required in life. This is where God comes in the equation. He is the source of all the blessings that you desire.

It is the will of God that we prosper (3 John 2). But when a person finds him or herself in a state of “FINANCIAL TIGHTNESS”, the right person has to be contacted and that person is God.

Secondly, the right approach is supposed to be taken to get the blessings. The right approach is through the Word of God. God would not do anything outside His Word. If you must get anything from God, you ought to do it through His Word.

Going through the Word of God means, we are expected to base our desires and prayers to God for divine intervention in our life, affairs and situation STRICTLY ON THE WORD OF GOD!

Basing your prayers and desires STRICTLY ON THE WORD OF GOD, means you address your situation before God based on the following:

1. What He has declared
2. What He has done
3. What He has done for others that were in similar situations as yours.
4. What He has promised to do
5. His love for you
6. His merciful nature
7. The finished work of Jesus on the Cross — This includes, Jesus’ sufferings, shed blood, burial and resurrection.

To successfully use any of the above points in your prayers inorder to pray prayers that are guaranteed to give the desired results, requires that you make a practice of having or arming yourself with some scriptures. These scripotures ought to be related to your subject of prayer or desires. Also, the process of getting these scriptures is not difficult at all, but it requires you put in some effort in searching the bible. It is even easier, if you use a bible app or search online for scriptures that are related or connected to your needs, which you can use in prayer to God.

How To Effectively Use Scriptures In Prayers To God To Express Your Desires And Receive Answers

1. Worship and Praise God for His goodness, mercy and love towards you.
2. Ask for forgiveness for any error done by commission or ommission
3. Receive His forgiveness and mercy by faith.
4. Tell Him the reason why you are in His presece by expressing your needs or desires
5. Ask Him to do for you what you desire of Him
6. Backup your request with the Word of God — His promises, etc
7. Receive answers by faith with thanksgiving. Leave His presence with the assurance that He has answered you and do this with thanksgiving.

Example of Praying The Word of God

Let us assume that I want to ask God to bless and prosper me financially. The first thing I will do is to make a collection of a few scriptures that has to do with blessings and financial prosperity. In this case, I will use the following scriptures:

Genesis 24:1
Genesis 24:35
Genesis 24:40

See example below — This is how I will use these scriptures in prayer to God:

1. Quote or declare Genesis 24:1 back to God.

Genesis 24:1
And Abraham was old, and well stricken in age: and the LORD had blessed Abraham in all things.

Heavenly Father, according to Genesis 24:1, You blessed Abraham in all things.

O’ Lord, I ask that you exceedingly favour, bless and prosper me financially in the Mighty Name of the Lord Jesus Christ!

O’ Lord, I ask that you bless and prosper all the works of my hands and let them yield abundant financial and material blessings unto me, in the Mighty Name of the Lord Jesus Christ!

2. Quote or declare Genesis 24:35 back to God.

Genesis 24:35
And the LORD hath blessed my master greatly; and he is become great: and he hath given him flocks, and herds, and silver, and gold, and menservants, and maidservants, and camels, and asses.

Heavenly Father, as you blessed and prospered Abraham greatly as recorded in Genesis 24:35, in the same way, I ask that You exceedingly bless and prosper me financially. Graciously give me a great store of financial and material resources and possessions.

O’ Lord, cause all the works of my hands to be exceedingly fruitful and mercifully make them to yield abundance of financial blessings unto me, in the Mighty Name of the Lord Jesus Christ!

3. Quote or declare Genesis 24:40 back to God.

Genesis 24:40
And he said unto me, The LORD, before whom I walk, will send his angel with thee, and prosper thy way

Heavenly Father, according to Genesis 24:40, I ask that you send your angel with me in all my journeys, in all the works of my hands, in all my businesses and in all my business transactions to prosper my way.

I ask that You graciously, mercifully and exceedingly bless and prosper me.

O’ Lord, in the abundance of your mercy, which is abundant upon my life, I ask that you graciously give me a great store of financial and material resources and possessionsin the Mighty Name of the Lord Jesus Christ!

4. Receive answers to your prayers by faith.

Heavenly Father, I thank you for your love towards me and for the mercy and grace you have shown me today; and by the exceeding greatness of your mercy, I receive by faith, the financial blessing which I have desired and asked of you.

5. Thank God for answering your Prayers

Thank you Lord, in the Mighty Name of the Lord Jesus Christ!

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Ezekiel Benson

Pastor, Author, MD/CEO sixthSENSE Logic Ltd, Marketer, Software Engineer and Lover of Fun