How To Give God Strong Reasons To Answer Your Prayers — GOD’S RECOMMENDATION FOR PRAYER

Ezekiel Benson
2 min readAug 27, 2022


In the book of Isaiah Chapter 43, God gave us a blue print of how to pray effectively and get results.

The Word of God declares in:

Isaiah 43:26
“Put me in remembrance: let us plead together: declare thou, that thou mayest be justified.”

From the verse of scripture above, God asked us to “Put Him in remembrance”.

In remembrance of what? His Word!

What this means is that we are expected to get verses of scriptures that deals with a need or a situation and present them to God to argue our case and have our request granted.

God went further to say, “Let us plead together”. That implies the presentation and argument of your case with strong reasons. Your strong reasons are the verses of scripture that concerns your needs.

God finalized His instructions by saying “Declare thou, that thou mayest be justified”. This simply means we are to use the verses of scripture we have presented to make our request known to Him.

“That thou mayest be justified”, means presenting verses of scripture to God and using them to make our request known unto Him, puts us in a right position to receive answers to our prayers.

In Isaiah 41:21, God instructed us again saying:

“Produce your cause, saith the LORD; bring forth your strong reasons, saith the King of Jacob.” — Isaiah 41:21

  • “Produce your cause” simply means to bring our request and desires to Him.
  • “Bring forth your strong reasons” means in presenting our needs and desires, we should produce strong reason why He should grant them.

The Word of God is the ONLY strong reason God would attend to.

Strong reasons are:

  • Promises of God to do a thing
  • Instances in the bible where God did something similar to what you desire for someone
  • Provisions God made for you to achieve something (life, work, or ministry)
  • What God said you are and should become
  • God’s love for you
  • God’s merciful nature
  • The finished work of Jesus on the Cross — This includes, Jesus’ sufferings, shed blood, burial and resurrection; and the implication of this to receiving answers to your prayers. For instance, if you are in need of healing, Isaiah 53:5, will work well.

When we bring forth and present our strong reasons, this puts us in a right position to receive answers to our prayers.

Strong reasons must be strong enough to present and argue your case before God.

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Ezekiel Benson

Pastor, Author, MD/CEO sixthSENSE Logic Ltd, Marketer, Software Engineer and Lover of Fun