What Qualifies A Person To Be A Prayer Warrior?

Ezekiel Benson
6 min readAug 16, 2022



The term prayer warrior is used when someone has decided to commit himself to prayer, with the utmost level of discipline. To be a prayer warrior is to deliberately consecrate yourself to God to take up the ministry of prayer beyond the normal level of just having daily 5–15 minutes devotions.

Another aspect of the ministry of a prayer warrior is that he stands in the gap, making intercessions for people, nations, the church, believers and also engaging in spiritual warfare.

A prayer warrior recognizes that there is a battle between the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of darkness, and solicits to be involved in the battle, here on earth, on behalf of the Kingdom of God. He recognizes the battle and takes action by coming before God to enlist himself for battle, with a sure guaranty from God that “Nothing shall by any means hurt you” (Luke 10:19).

A prayer warrior understands the rule of consistency and persistence in prayer.

Consistency in prayer is one of the strongest characteristic traits of a prayer warrior. He is committed to the timing for prayer. He is committed to the purpose and call of prayer. He is committed to a strong relationship with God that births insights into what to prayer about.

A prayer warrior is also persistent. He doesn’t give up or takes “no” for an answer. He stays with the mission and understands what it means to pray through and breakthrough in prayer until the answer is given or manifested.


God calls all believers to fight in the spiritual battles that are steadily occurring, in other words, every firm believer in Christ is qualified to enlist as a prayer warrior. It is not a special ministry for a select few. You can be a prayer warrior in your church, in your home, in your office … anywhere. The primary aim of every prayer warrior is to deplete the influence of evil and advance the influence of good. So, if you enlist to stand in the gap to pray for your nation, leaders, church, office, family members, friends, or the needs of others as the Holy Spirit reveals them to you, you are a prayer warrior.


A prayer should have the following mindset and believe system. These are what helps him to be effected in his ministry as a prayer warrior.

  • I am called of God — John 15:16
  • I am a child of God — John 3:16, John 1:12
  • I have a strong relationship with God through Christ — Romans 8:17, Galatians 4:7
  • I am filled with the Holy Spirit and with the Power of God — Acts 1:18
  • I am the righteousness of God in Christ, and God sees me as such when I pray — 2 Corinthians 5:21
  • I have power and authority over devils and to cast them out — Matthew 10:1–2, Mark 16:17
  • I have the authority to use the Name of Jesus Christ to pray and effect changes — Mark 16:17–18
  • I am a partner with the Holy Spirit in the ministry of prayer — 2 Corinthians 13:14
  • The Holy Spirit helps and guides me in prayer — Romans 8:26
  • I am never left destitute of God’s mercy, presence and grace — Genesis 24:27
  • I am divinely protected by God when I pray and engage in spiritual warfare — Luke 10:19
  • When I pray, I get answers -John 14:13–14, John 15:7, 16

For further materials on principles that governs the development and maintenance of a strong result-oriented prayer life — discover it here


  • You have power and authority over devils and to cast them out
  • You have the power and authority to decree a thing and it shall be established.
  • You have the power and authority to command God’s will be done on earth or in any situation as it is done in heaven
  • You have the power and authority to prophecy while praying to effect change.


  1. The Blood of Jesus
  2. The Finished work of Jesus (as basis of argument or pleading your case in prayer)
  3. The Promises of God
  4. The Leadership and guidance of the Holy Spirit (you must depend on Him always)
  5. The angels of the Lord (divine authority and privilege to dispatch angels to perform certain duties and task in prayer)
  6. The Name of Jesus Christ.
  7. Faith in God and in His Word
  8. Prayer of Agreement with other saints of God


  1. Have a special designated time for prayers based on instructions received from the Holy Spirit
  2. Commit yourself to the time you have chosen to pray
  3. Regularly meet with other believers and prayer warriors to pray
  4. Be a student of the Word of God
  5. Never forsake the assembly of one another (attend church fellowships, etc)
  6. Engage in prayer and fasting at least once a week.
  7. Have a day or days in the month to hold mini (3hrs) or full (6hrs) prayer vigils for specific prayer directions or purpose
  8. Be sensitive to the Holy Spirit. Learn to hear and know His voice. This will open avenues for instructions and directions in prayer.
  9. Receive and develop the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. They come in handy in prayer.
  10. Be obedient to the Holy Spirit and the Word of God
  11. Live a life that is pleasing unto the Lord. This will help you to remain shielded from demonic attacks and evil
  12. Walk in love towards God and towards men.
  13. Never participate in or encourage evil or someone being oppressed.
  14. Be humble. Rid yourself of pride
  15. Be faithful in your ministry of prayer
  16. Be fun to be with as well. Learn to relax with family and friends and have some fun while at it
  17. Forgive easily lest your prayers be hindered
  18. Remain consistent in the ministry of prayer
  19. Know when to engage in spiritual warfare
  20. Be ready in season and out of season to pray. The Holy Spirit could wake you in the night to start praying. You might not know the subject of the prayer, but He will surely guide you. This is where sensitivity to the Holy Spirit comes into play.
  21. Remain thankful to God always for the privilege given to you to be involved in the ministry of prayer

I hope this helps in throwing more light on who a prayer warrior is and how to become one.

You may also be interested in How To Develop And Maintain A Strong Prayer Life. It’s worth checking out!



Ezekiel Benson

Pastor, Author, MD/CEO sixthSENSE Logic Ltd, Marketer, Software Engineer and Lover of Fun